comical, drama, family, funny, mom, mother, parents, personal point of view, Twisted Ramblings From Iron Mom, Uncategorized

Iron Sign Your a Mom

Good morning everyone welcome to Wednesday hump day. Only two more work days to go until the weekend and freedom. I thought I would post something that will hopefully make you smile this morning. I have put together a list below, in no certain order, please read and enjoy then in the comments tell me how many items fit you and your household. Here it goes, ten signs that you are a mom:
1. Laundry baskets are like a bottomless pit. No matter how many loads of laundry are done on laundry day they are always full.
2. You spend all day cleaning and in a matter of 5 minutes after the kids come home it looks like a tornado ripped through the house making it look like you did nothing all day.
3. You are never lonely or bored in the bathroom because now you have an audience asking questions that cannot wait 2 minutes.
4. Your uterus becomes a homing device for everyone’s lost belongings in the house except your own.
5. You shower with the bathroom door open and poke your head out with each little noise you hear and yell “What are you doing?”. This becomes such habit you still twitch at noises even when you are alone.
6. You get more exercise at home than the gym by chasing down the little one, trying to clean up after them from room to room, 5,000 trips up the hall at bedtime for little requests and questions that cannot wait until morning. When morning comes it is another 5,000 trips to get them out of bed on time to catch the bus.
7. You repeat the same things everyday a 1,000 times over and over again until you think it would be easier to record them and play it on a loop throughout the house to save time and your sanity.
8. You get up a little earlier than the kids just so you can quickly down your breakfast which is comprised of a couple cups of coffee so you can prepare yourself for the morning chaos before school.
9. You go to Hell-mart in the dead of night for medicine for your baby that has been crying for the last few hours and you ran out of what you need. You go with unidentifiable spots on your nightclothes, hair is a mess, blood shot eyes, no make-up and you smell ripe after no shower for 2 days because baby cries louder if you try to put them down so you just keep pacing the floors and rocking them.
10. You are no longer known by your name you lose your old identity and become —–‘s mom.
I hope you enjoy and happy hump day!!!!

award, blogger of the year, friends, honor, links, nomination, single mom world, sister site, Twisted Ramblings From Iron Mom

Iron Winner


Yep you are seeing that correctly I have been given this award from one of my biggest fans and fellow blogger Servant Z at fourcatpaw I am so excited and honored to receive this amazing award!!! They are a new follower but between this blog and my previous blog they have been reading felt I deserved this extremely honorable award. So I am proudly posting this for all to see. Thank you so much Servant Z

Love Iron Mom


I am not the only blog out there that should enjoy a nod for writing awesome blogs as well.  So I am going to nominate a couple blogs that are amazing.  These fellow bloggers I met on my sister blog (the single Iron Mom obviously before I started this one lol) Single Mom World and have followed me for years. – I have known Trisha almost from the beginning, she has watched me evolve into a better writer not to mention stronger mother and watched my daughter grow over the years. I love her blog and all the peeks into her blessed life. – This fellow blogger is an amazing writer, not only on her blog but the book she wrote as well shows her talents.  She is the one I have gone to for raw honest critiques of stories I write outside the blogging world and was never disappointed in the pointers I received back. She helped me grow as a writer and is fun to chat with. She is a strong amazing person and writer that greatly deserves this nod.

You both earned this and I am honored to nominate you!!


Twisted Ramblings From Iron Mom

Iron Clad Fan

I know I have not been posting since I started this blog, but I thought I would have recovered from surgery a lot faster. If you check my old page (Single Moms World) you will see I am really pretty regular with my postings. Thankfully I am on the mend now and ready to be more regular with my posts.

I hope everyone had a good Veterans day. I know it was a good one here for us.  My Knight, who is Army with one deployment under his belt, walked in the parade with my daughter this morning, making her day. Then he came home and hung out with me, our 2 dogs and Netflix for a very lazy day.  My Knight is an incredible man which you will see as you read more and more of my posts in the future.  For now I will give you a peek while I ramble through this post.

 I met my Knight in Shiny ACU’s four years ago and we knew it was meant to be early on.  My daughter instantly loved him right away as well. I sometimes wonder if she knew before me that we would get married. I didn’t have much of a social life and I never dated because I had issues of my own. Plus I needed to focus on raising my daughter alone not to mention making ends meet with one income. Needless to say The Fan (my daughter)  was over the moon when we got married and bragged to everyone she finally had a daddy all her own.

This brings me to our first Veteran’s Day here in Kansas at our first duty station.  We currently live off post and she goes to an off post school. When Veteran’s Day rolled around the teacher asked the class if anyone has family or friends that are in the military. The Fan’s hand shot into the air and could hardly sit still waiting to be called on. Finally her turn came around, she shot out of her chair with her chest puffed out with pride to announced that her daddy is a veterinarian and that made her a brat. I don’t know how the teacher didn’t burst out giggling right then and there. When she relayed it to me she was giggling and so was I, thankfully The Fan was not in the room while we were talking.

 Poor thing didn’t get to walk in the parade that first year for some reason that I have forgotten by now. However when the day came around last year My Knight was deployed and a friend of the family loaned me her husband for the morning to walk with The Fan.  She was very proud and happy she got to walk with my friend’s husband and My Knight was happy he had a fill in while deployed.

This year My Knight is home so he got to walk with The Fan this morning in the parade, she even got to help hold the banner for her school. For weeks we heard about the parade almost daily making sure her daddy was going to be able to walk with her.  I reassured her every night when I tucked her in that he will be there for sure. Today arrived and my Knight even got up a little extra early to cook breakfast for us.  I had to stay home out of the cold since I am getting over the stomach flu I caught on top of recovering.  The Fan was even happier when My Knight drove her to school so he could talk to her teacher. He wanted to find out the meeting place for the parade, meet her teacher and check in on The Fan’s progress in school. The Fan proudly walked him through the school hallways with her feet barely touching the floor.

My Knight got home after the parade telling me how good the Fan did carrying the banner with one hand and waving to people watching with the other. When the Fan got home from school she had to tell me every detail of course. She told me that My Knight even brought one of his patrol caps for her to wear during the parade. She told me how thrilled she was that My Knight walked with her and she got to show off her daddy. It meant a lot to her that he took time from his day off to walk and she thanked him repeatedly after school.

 After so many years of disappointment from her bio dad (aka The Donor, the douche or f*ckt@ard) having My Knight around has made her happy. She has him on such a high pedestal, it rises above the clouds.  It is scary how smart she is. She told me at bedtime one night that The Donor tries to buy her love, respect and trust with expensive presents and that is not what a real dad is suppose to do. She says My Knight is her real daddy because he earned her love, respect and trust. She loves him so much it is hard to put into words.  I was caught off guard when she told me this.  I mean come on what kid that young (then 9) says something like that and really understands what she is saying. I questioned her just a little bit to make sure she knew what she was saying and I asked if she heard someone else say that. She looked me right in the eye, serious as can be and said her heart told her. That was good enough for me. I wrapped her up in my arms for a huge hug unable to say anything for a couple moments. When I let go I kissed her good-night, tucked her in, checked her alarm and said I loved her one more time before leaving the room.  I felt like I was on cloud nine walking up the hall to tell My Knight what I was just told. He gave me a little smirk and said that she is a very smart little girl that knows way more than she lets on.  Then asked me if that reminds me of anyone else in this house that is like that. Before I could say anything he was half way up the hall headed to The Fan’s room.

Well I am going to wrap this up for now and I hope I didn’t bore anyone to death with my rambling. I didn’t intend to go on this long but it feels so good to be writing again. My Knight is loved more than he will ever realize. He stepped up marrying a divorced single mother with issues from the previous marriage and a little girl that had issues of her own.  I hope this and future posts will shed some light on why I call him My Knight.  Happy Veteran’s Day. Remember to hug and thank the special veteran in your life.  

Twisted Ramblings From Iron Mom


I am getting ready to start that downhill slide from mid 30’s to 40. I have been through so many trials and tribulations I don’t know how I am sane. After an abusive first marriage, being a single mom for eight years, surviving the role of army wife and a near fatal car accident that I shouldn’t have walked away from but did. My daughter thinks because I survived the accident, that I really shouldnt have earlier this year while my husband was deployed but still was able to go back to being super mom (she has called me that since she was little). But since I now driver a Dodge Avenger (I have a major thing for iron man and the avengers) she has renamed me iron mom and it has stuck since the first of the year.

At my age and things I have gone through it is damaged the filter between my brain and mouth. There are days I dont even know what might fall out. I am straight shooter, tell it like it is, I have a major in bitchology, sarcastic and love to tease ppl around me. It depends on how they treat me wheather I comment back or make fun of them. I am an open book and if there is something some one needs to know ask I will answer I have nothing left to hide. Have fun and I hope you are entertained

army wife, comical, daughter, drama, family, funny, in-laws, mom, mother, parents, personal point of view, soap box rants, tween, Twisted Ramblings From Iron Mom

Even Iron Mom Needs Maintence

I am so excited to be blogging again. I am just still getting back in the swing of things and posting stories. However I am going to be out of commission for hopefully less than a week. I am having a procedure done today and I have strict orders from the Dr, Hubby and daughter to take it easy and dont push myself  to get back into old routines. At least I have my wifi, laptop, android and netflix to keep me company.

So I am off to get everyone out of bed and get them going so I can be to the hospital before 7am for even more poking and proding. I hate feeling like a pin cushion.

With that being said I will be back on soon as I can with stories galore. I have a spit fire daughter that is hilarious at times. I have no filter from brain to mouth so I tend to have word vomit at times that makes for interesting times. According to my husband he loves when I have pain pills because I do and say the funniest stuff. Maybe that will be my first post when i can get back on here again.

See’ya soon!!!!

Twisted Ramblings From Iron Mom

Origins of an Iron Mom

Once a upon a time I was a single mom for over 8 years to a beautiful spit fire named Gracie that is now almost 12. Four years ago I met my knight in shiny ACU’S and became an Army wife, a position I am proud to hold. The last few years is the first time I actually got to be a S.A.H.M.  (Stay At Home Mom) instead of working 2 or 3 jobs in the summer and around the clock just to make ends meet for me and my daughter. Well during deployment I showed my strength and adaptability that my husband loves in me. My daughter has always called me super mom but got upgraded January 2013.
I dropped my two rescue dogs and daughter off with a friend so I could go run an errand. Not five minutes afterwards I got T-boned by a huge SUV that was speeding. Well my Dodge Caliber took flight and bounced off of one car flipped and came to rest on a Mustang. Some how no one else was hurt. I don’t remember the bumping but I remember the first responders yelling we have a live one here get the jaws and get over here now we need all hands. I couldn’t open my eyes or speak for a few more minutes. All I heard was them asking how I could be alive. Mommy powers kicked in and I managed to tell the MP’S (occurred on post) Andrew is deployed and I gave perfect directions to my friends house where Gracie was.
Let me tell you the jaws of life are nothing like they are on tv. I had hand cutting my favorite coat off of me and my sleeves to try and get an iv in me, 7 sticks later no luck. Then I had heavy stinky blankets thrown over me with no warning. they took my driver door off with the jaws and started breaking all my windows so they could get in and try to get me out. I was pinned in several different ways and took for ever to get out and into the ambulance.
My friend’s husband came and sat with me at the hospital. I had mild to moderate brain trauma, tore tissue in my knee, a whole down to the bone they stitched up and from hitting the airbag that came down on the driver side window I looked like I went nine rounds with Rocky. I faintly remember them finally getting an iv in my arm at the ER and the Dr. forcing orange juice down my throat with a straw. YUK I hate orange juice but couldnt verbalize it. Jason walked in right after that so I was not alone. I barely remember half the stay they just kept pumping me full of pain meds.
They finally released me to Jason because his wife is home 24-7 to watch me and he was a medic on the last 3 deployments. plus they lived 5 minutes from the hospital so I went home with them. His wife made sure I got up to eat, go to the bathroom, move my muscles a little, got me to all dr appts and made sure I had all meds on time. She was great letting all family members what was going on. She even got a hold of andrew in Afgahnistan to keep him updated. So I pretty much lived on their couch for a  little over 10 days heavily sedated.
Once the Dr started backing off the meds to get me moving more I found the more incredible pain in the left side of my chest. I couldn’t breathe and hardly move so I went back to the Dr again. Come to find out I had 3 broken ribs so I was given more pain meds. to this day no one, including the ER and first responders, can figure out how I survived.
Once I was able to move half decent I picked up my rental car from Enterprise, insurance paid for ten days. One of the guys over heard me asking my friend how I am going to buy a new car in ten days in the condition I was in.
Apparently the clerk listening to us talk passed  my number to the Enterprise sales office in Wichita. I got a call a couple days later from the sales manager asking what kind of car I am interested in. Once I gave him my list he called me back the next day offering me a car newer than my Caliber that was totalled and my payments barely went up. He even delivered the car to the rental office here in town. I met him there to sign papers and I drove off in a 2011 Dodge Avenger (they are a smaller Dodge challenger).
I went out to show off my car to my friends that took care of me and that is when I learned after the SUV threw me into the air the first car I landed on was an Avenger and left a little bit of damage and no injuries to the female driving. I just thought it was ironic that the car I bounced off of I ended up owning.
While me and my daughter were taking it for a ride she pointed out how much I love Iron Man and the Avengers. It came out of nowhere and I asked her what her  point was. She said I now drive the Avengers car so that makes me Iron Mom, especially surviving the accident like I did. So at that moment Iron Mom was created and the name stuck.
I am mostly healed except for a couple places that are refusing to quit hurting, but I would rather deal with that than what could have happened. So there you go the reason I am Iron Mom.ImageSo there you go the reason I am Iron Mom.
I will be posting a lot lighter and happier posts after this but wanted to get that out there. I hope you enjoy my blog. I missed writing in my previous blog so much, but Single Mom World no longer applies so here is my new one. My old blog is still up if you would like to take a gander it is at
Enjoy readers and please keep coming back often!!!!